Member Tools & Resources

member discounts

As a member of FPA of MN, you are eligible for discounts on some very competitive and popular vendor business services. Program details on the benefits offered by Business AdvantEdge can be found on Local Member Discounts page. Register as a "New Member" on your first visit to set up your user name and password.

resource links

Client Resource Web List Available - This is a 10-page list covering everything from American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to taxes, credit counseling to saving for college. It is a listing of vital resources useful to everyone’s practice. We encourage you to download the list below, give it to colleagues, clients, and neighbors.

community of
practice group

Community of Practice (COP) groups are a unique opportunity for FPA members to connect with other professionals in an intimate environment, create a place to openly discuss ideas and strategies, and provide ongoing professional learning and development. Creating a sense of community not only leads to the pursuit of excellence in the financial planning profession, but also leads to closer professional relationships outside of the group.